2021年5月26日 星期三
2021年3月18日 星期四
A Few Remarks in Defense of the Markedness Model (MM)
最近去慧大王的課上導讀一篇關於 Markedness Model (MM) 的文章,聽到有些評論,在此回應一下。由於文章用英文寫的,我就用英文來說明。倒數第二段是我覺得最重要的想法。
About a week ago I heard some critical comments on the Markedness Model (Myers-Scotton, 1998) that I think miss the mark. While the comments do point out a few problems of the model, these problems are not unique to MM but are faced by science in general. Let me elaborate.
The first criticism is about the narrowness of MM's explanatory scope. It goes like this: Some students in an English classroom would sometimes switch to their native language to talk with each other, even though the teacher has established an English-only rule for the class. The students use a marked code (their native tongue) for the English-only setting, but they have no intention to change the rights and obligations associated with this setting. How can MM explain this?
The answer is quite simple. While MM proposes a few explanations for the various degrees of markedness in people's linguistic use, it makes no claim that it has exhausted all possible explanations. The students in the above scenario may simply feel that they can communicate better with their peers in the mother tongue, and this reason does not falsify MM because, again, MM does not claim that negotiation of rights and obligations is the only reason people use marked code.
Incidentally, if the students in the scenario above use the marked code (i.e., their L1) because their English (i.e., the unmarked code for the setting) is not proficient enough for communication purposes, MM can, in fact, account for this. In this case, the unmarked code, English, is never in the students' opportunity set to begin with because it has been filtered out by the model's first filter (see Ch. 2 of Myers-Scotton 1998 for the three filters). If English is not really in the opportunity set, there is no rational choice to speak of.
The second criticism would turn my reply above into an admission of MM's flaw. That is, by saying MM does not mention other potential reasons for using marked and unmarked code, I have admitted it is too "narrow and outdated" in its explanatory power. This type of criticism would point to newer accounts (usually Translingualism) as its alternatives or even replacements.
To that, I would reply by saying that the criticism sets an unreasonably high bar not just for MM but for scientific models in general. Newton's first law of motion--the law of inertia--makes predictions about a very narrowly defined situation, in which a body is not acted upon by a force, such as air friction. The law does not apply to most of what we see every day on Earth, where moving bodies are constantly faced by air friction. Yet, I haven't heard criticisms of the law's "narrow explanatory scope." I see no reason why this kind of criticism should be leveled against models like MM. Keep in mind that interactions between forces in the physical world (think of friction, gravity, air density, wind, etc.) are just as complex as (if not more so than) those between cognitive modules in the mind and between agents in a social setting. There is no reason why physics should have the license to be "narrow," while cognitive and social sciences should not.
Furthermore, to the extent that I can tell, Translingualism is not a model for explaining the various degrees of markedness in people's linguistic choices. As far as I know, there is nothing in Translingualism that falsifies what MM claims, and therefore it cannot "replace" MM. (Just as Translingualism cannot fully replace L2 writing, in my opinion.) At best, it has the potential to "integrate" MM and become a more explanatory model by drawing a connection between markedness and something other than negotiation of rights and obligations. I do not see this happening in the field of Translingualism right now, and I invite critics of MM to point out any effort made on the Translingualists' part to integrate MM.
In fact, I would argue that what the Translingualists attempt to achieve with their new pedagogical approach is exactly what MM predicts. Many would agree that Translingualism is a challenge to the status quo, a way for ESL students to find their agency in their writing by using English and other semiotic resources in a manner different from what the "standard" requires (which roughly equals Anglo-American academic writing conventions). Translingualism is, in a way, telling writers to feel confident in their use of what has been traditionally seen as "marked" (e.g., Indian or Singaporean English) in the academic setting, where American and British English are the unmarked. By doing so, the writers are engaged in a negotiation of rights and obligations with gate keepers (e.g., whether a classroom essay peppered with Chinglish expressions should be given an A+ by a teacher, or whether an EFL researcher's manuscript should be accepted into a conference or journal by an editor). The way I see it, Translingualism does not replace MM; it is actually what MM predicts would happen in the field of academic writing, given the field's long history of power imbalance between those who have a good command of prestigious varieties of English and those who don't.
Finally, a reply to the criticism with respect to MM's lack of predictive power: To be sure, even Myers-Scotton admits that MM does not have much predictive power in any broad sense. I would say, however, that the model can be considered predictive in the narrow sense that upon close and honest introspection (which is a kind of observation, by the way), we would, from time to time, find that our linguistic choices are driven by a desire to negotiate rights and obligations. In human sciences, this is sometimes the best we can get: a prediction of something happening with a certain frequency that isn't 100%. (Note that in medical sciences, this is sometimes true as well.) We can only hope that at some point in the future, we will have better tools or methods at our disposal to test these models with higher precision.
Myers-Scotton, Carol. (1998). A theoretical introduction to the markedness model. In Codes and consequences: Choosing linguistic varieties, ed. Carol Myers-Scotton. Oxford University Press.
2021年2月23日 星期二
給天父的一封信-- 人類的愛情
2021年2月15日 星期一
夫妻吵架時,你的選擇是什麼? 跳脫情緒勒索,為自己負責
除夕夜的無常與日常: 狗急性胰臟炎
2021年2月3日 星期三
外型:姊易胖體質、品是易瘦體質;姊滿頭烏溜溜的黑髮,品年紀輕輕卻少年白;姊的腿又長又直,品的腿有點短有點不直;姊身體自然散發優雅花香,品流汗後有男人的Larry 味;姊手腳很醜,又短又粗像雞爪,但是品品的手卻修長優雅,真是令人羨慕;姊的肚子暗藏兩條肥鮪魚,品卻是結實的冰塊盒;姊寬肩脖子短,品斜肩脖子長
性格:姊姊急躁又壞脾氣,品弟慢郎中又溫和;姊姊說話誇大浮誇,品弟說話總是打個七折,很好=還行,不好也=還行,因為「很好」打七折變「還行」,「不好」打七折後也是「還行」(我真是太難了!!!!)。姊姊活潑愛熱鬧,弟弟內向愛安靜;姊姊愛漂亮愛買新衣服,品弟一件衣服沒穿到破是不會丟的(還好品弟嚴以律己寬以待人)。姊姊是風象星座,心情起伏一日76變,品弟是土象星座,每天恆溫少變化;老姐愛吃,品弟對食物欠缺興趣(這真是太令姊姊羨慕又嫉妒的特質了,品弟可以面前擺著誘人蛋糕卻能專心工作,毫無懸念); 姊姊是遲到大王,品弟是守時龜毛大王;姊姊喜歡規劃未來,品弟喜歡回憶過去;姊姊是電腦白痴,品弟是電腦達人;老姐通常累了隨時倒頭就睡,品弟淺眠不好睡;老姐生活不規律,是個冰機人(binge), 但是品弟生活作息規律,絕不冰機。
通常兩人會因為差異而彼此吸引,但也常常在交往後因為差異而分手。兩人的差異除了造成生活上的摩擦之外,當然也是互補和逼迫彼此學習成長的原因。因為和品品生活,所以姊姊生活作息慢慢變規律了,因為品弟脾氣溫和,姊姊發脾氣的機會變少了,因為品品把車停很遠,所以姊姊今天有搬書架而運動到了。。。感謝品品讓我的生活多了很多無法理解的意外,當然也多了很多「學習的空間」! XD
男女大不同 |
2021年1月23日 星期六
昨晚與小慧和朋友查經,讀 1 Peter 第一章,其中提到「活潑的盼望」。我們的問題是,究竟盼望的是何事。個人一點想法,不必然與本信的作者的感動相同,不過姑且寫之:
(註:1 Peter 顯然不是著重在情侶的愛,但道理相通。我用情侶當例子只是因為這個部落格的主題是姐弟戀。)
2021年1月14日 星期四
品弟很愛回憶過去,尤其是第一年我們曖昧、告白、戀愛、吵架的事。他記得我穿什麼衣服去慶功宴、第一次爬象山時說什麼、何時第一次接吻、第一次告白的糗事,第一次吵架如何搞笑、當時的心情...如數家珍。某次品弟回憶過去,何時開始對老姐產生悸動。姐問,「那麼,你現在看到我還會悸動嗎?」品弟, 「每天一早睜開眼看到你,都會悸動!!」天啊~~~~~是心臟有毛病嗎??還是,這是真愛?
老姐對被地心引力影響的身材頗不滿意,常常逼問品弟,「我最近好胖喔!腿好粗喔!捲起褲管就可以去種田,你覺得呢?」品弟總是會給我滿滿的自信心,「不會啊!你的腿和隋棠的腿很像!」姊姊不屑相信「怎麼可能?我的腿是蘿蔔腿誒!」品誠懇的信誓旦旦,「你的腿如果叫『蘿蔔』,那麼我最愛你這種蘿蔔腿!」 這.... 這一定是真愛,蘿蔔腿也可以看成隋棠腿!
老姐問品弟,「你會娶我嗎?」品弟,「現在沒有娶不娶的問題,現在是生活怎麼可以沒有你的問題。」OMG~~~~~~ (尖叫)
老姐問品弟,「你為什麼愛我?」品弟,「因為我可以當你的工具人。」 老姐不可置信問,「你愛我因為你喜歡當我的工具人??」 品弟,「對啊!我喜歡當慧慧的工具人」 這..... 這.... 姊姊上輩子是拯救過地球嗎?怎麼有這樣的男朋友??
某日老姐問品弟,「我有沒有好胖?」 品弟衝過來從後環抱,「你是最可愛的麵包超人!」
某日老姐想放屁,「咳,誒,抱歉,我要放一個屁~~」 品弟,「放啊!美女的屁是香的!」 呵呵呵呵呵...... 雖然很無言,但是不知怎麼形容我的詭異的好心情。。
老姐問品弟,「我會不會買太多衣服了?」 品弟,「不會啊!盡量買!我喜歡看你買東西開心的模樣。」 傑克,這真是太神奇惹,世界上竟然有這樣的男朋友!!
老姐問品弟,「如果有極品、優、中上、普通、不佳這樣的評分尺標,我的臉是什麼等級?」品弟秒答「頂級」,「我的頭髮呢?」「那還用說?當然是頂級啊!」「那我的身材呢?」還是秒答,「頂級」,「那我的腿呢?」迅雷不及掩耳的秒答「頂級」,「那麼我肚子上的肥圈圈呢?」品終於停頓一下,然後認真的說,「算是中上等級」Hmmm, 所以,肚子的肥肉肥得還不錯的意思。
老姐問品弟,「我有沒有變老?」 品弟正經八百的打量著我,摸摸我的額頭和臉頰「沒有,我覺得你反而變年輕了!」COME ON!!! 這已經超過真愛了吧????
除了上面這些甜死人不償命的對話之外,品弟幾乎每天會拿杯水和維他命給我,下午會泡咖啡,晚上怕我熬夜對身體不好,會殷殷切切的呼喚我去睡覺; 品弟總是喜歡和我牽手,走路時牽,睡覺時牽,上教堂排排坐時,牽。他喜歡盯著我看,情人眼裡出西施,就算是剛起床滿臉眼屎和口臭,他也說「好美」。最近他愛上當我的攝影師,喜歡看我玩換衣服的遊戲,看我沈浸在搭配服裝的樂趣中,他會在旁邊很專業的東拍西拍,拍一堆照片,然後在電腦上整理照片,樂滋滋的挑出滿意的傑作,奇怪的是,明明我覺得我很醜的照片,他還是眼睛閃爍、嘴角上揚的說「好美」。他總是樂意當我的司機,送我去目的地,自己找個地方工作等我; 當我的電腦維修工程師,隨時放下手邊的工作幫我解決電腦問題; 當我的顧問,幫我改難改的學生作業或翻譯熬口的正式文章; 當我的夥伴,什麼時候需要他,他幾乎無役不克、使命必達。